Legal Checklists - сhecklist Template

People are prone to mistakes. A checklist is an aid used to reduce those mistakes. It helps to ensure structure when carrying out a task. To give an example you could have a checklist of what steps to take when buying a house. To use this checklist you would simply start at item 1 and when complete mark it off the list. When the list was finished you would have completed all the steps it would take to buy a house.

Home Inspection Checklist - Most Popular Document Checklist

This Checklist is used by the Buyer when initially viewing a home to purchase.


Popular Checklist Categories Legal Checklist

List of Legal Checklists

A Reference Checking Checklist
Acquisition Checklist
ADA Issues Checklist
ADA Jobs Requirements Checklist
Administrative Assistant - Associate Checklist

Analysis Checklist

Assignment Checklist
Assistant Property Manager Checklist
Bank Loan Application Form and Checklist
Bank Loan Application Form and Checklist - Business Loan
Benefits Consultant Checklist
Bomb Threat Checklist
Business Deductibility Checklist
Business Deductions Checklist
Business Plan Updating Checklist
Business Start-up Checklist
Buying, Selling and Merger Discussion Checklist
Capital Consortium Due Diligence Checklist
Checklist - 19 Strategies for Hiring the Best
Checklist - Action to Improve Collection of Accounts
Checklist - After the Appraisal Interview
Checklist - Before the Performance Appraisal Interview
Checklist - Buy/Sell Agreements - Contingencies
Checklist - Communicating with Prospective Clients
Checklist - Conducting a Brainstorming Session
Checklist - Dealing with Shareholders and Investors - Preparing a User-Friendly Annual Report
Checklist - Direct Mail Campaign
Checklist - Documents to Bring to Your Attorney
Checklist - Emergency Procedures in Case of Fire
Checklist - Employment Agreements
Checklist - Ergonomics
Checklist - Ergonomics Issues for Office Workers
Checklist - Evaluation to Buy a Business
Checklist - FAQ About Patents
Checklist - For Establishing a Website
Checklist - Giving Job Performance Feedback when a Problem has Occurred
Checklist - Health and Disability Insurance
Checklist - How to Be an Excellent Employee
Checklist - Items to Consider for Drafting a Promissory Note
Checklist - Key Employee Life Insurance
Checklist - Key Record Keeping
Checklist - Leasing vs. Purchasing
Checklist - Leasing vs. Purchasing Equipment
Checklist - Long of Sequential Activities to Organize Automobile Action
Checklist - Matters to be Considered in Choosing and Registering Domain Name
Checklist - Partnership Agreement
Checklist - Personnel File
Checklist - Possible Information System Strategies
Checklist - Risk Management Essentials
Checklist - Routine Managerial Duties
Checklist - Sale of a Business
Checklist - Service Strategy
Checklist - Short of Sequential Activities to Organize Automobile Action
Checklist - Small Business Legal Compliance Inventory
Checklist - Software Development Contract
Checklist - Software License Agreement Provisions
Checklist - Sustaining A Customer Service Initiative
Checklist - To Improve Customer Service
Checklist - Vendor and Supplier File
Checklist - Ways to Communicate
Checklist - When Should You Fire an Employee
Checklist ??? Communicating with Prospective Clients
Checklist ??? Conducting a Brainstorming Session
Checklist ??? Direct Mail Campaign
Checklist ??? Documents to Bring to Your Attorney
Checklist ??? Emergency Procedures in Case of Fire
Checklist ??? Ergonomics
Checklist ??? FAQ About Patents
Checklist ??? Items to Consider for Drafting a Promissory Note
Checklist ??? Risk Management Essentials
Checklist Appraisal
Checklist Due Diligence for Acquiring OnGoing Operations Asset or Stock
Checklist Due Diligence for Acquisition of a Company
Checklist Evaluation of Potential Board Member Nominees
Checklist for a Trade Secret Policy
Checklist for Appraisal Interview

Checklist for Business Loans Secured by Real Estate
Checklist for Co-Branding Agreements
Checklist for Contents of Private Placement Memorandum
Checklist for Developing Service Standards
Checklist for Drafting a Franchise Application
Checklist for Drafting a Lease for Exhibition or Trade Show
Checklist for Drafting a Lease or other Agreement for the use of Exhibit Space at Trade Show or an Exhibition
Checklist for Drafting an Agreement for Use of Exhibit Space or Booth at Exhibition
Checklist for Evaluating Used Vehicles

Checklist for Evaluating Used Vehicles or Cars
Checklist for Executive Summaries and Business Plans
Checklist for Hardware Purchase Agreement
Checklist for Information in Employment Contracts
Checklist For Intellectual Property Audit
Checklist for Intellectual Property Partnership and Joint Venture Agreements
Checklist for Investigation Sexual Harassment - Workplace
Checklist for Legal Hiring Process
Checklist for Limited Security Offering
Checklist for Modifying or Extending and Existing Contract
Checklist for Outsourcing Agreements
Checklist for Potential Director and Officer Liability Issues
Checklist for Proving Entertainment Expenses
Checklist for Real Estate Loans
Checklist for Remedying Identity Theft of Deceased Persons
Checklist for Screening Residential Tenants
Checklist for Sequential Activities to Organize Automobile Action
Checklist for Software Development Contract
Checklist for Software License Agreement
Checklist for Starting Up a New Business
Checklist for Termination Action
Checklist for Writing Online Job Advertisements
Checklist of Additional Documents That May Be Necessary
Checklist of Agreements to Be Reviewed
Checklist of Basic Franchise Agreement Terms
Checklist of Employment Agreement Issues from the Employee's Perspective
Checklist of Illegal Interview Questions
Checklist of Important Pre-Hiring Concerns
Checklist of Information to Obtain For Evaluating Environmental Matters on Producing Properties
Checklist of Information to Obtain For Producing Properties Evaluation
Checklist of Law Firm's Annual Risk Analysis
Checklist of Matters that Should be Considered in Drafting a Merger Agreement
Checklist of Matters to be Considered at a Preliminary Meeting of Organizers of a Corporation and Included in its Minutes
Checklist of Matters to be considered in Drafting a Lease for the use of Exhibit Space at a Trade Show
Checklist of Matters to be Considered in Drafting a Lease of a Commercial Building
Checklist of Matters to be Considered in Drafting a Website Hosting Agreement
Checklist of Matters to be Considered in Drafting Escrow Agreement
Checklist of Questions to Ask Potential Witnesses
Checklist of Questions to Ask Sexual Harassment Witnesses - Workplace
Checklist of Sequential Activities to Organize Plaintiff Action
Checklist of Standard and Illegal Hiring Interview Questions
Checklist of Standard Hiring Interview Questions with Listening Tips and Suggested Follow-up Questions
Checklist of Warning Signs of Sexual Harassment - Workplace
Checklist or Guidelines in Choosing a Domain Name and a Business Name
Checklist Purchasing a Broadcast Station
Checklist Regarding Matters that must be Disclosed to Prospective Franchisee
Checklist Regarding Matters that must be Disclosed to Prospective Franchisee in Accordance with FTC Franchise and Business Opportunity Rule
Checklists - Worker's Compensation Claims
Clubhouse Attendant Checklist
Collections Coordinator Checklist
Company Property Checklist
Company Records Checklist
Compensation Administration Checklist
Compliance Checklist For Company Websites
Confronting a Troubled Employee Checklist
Contract Review Checklist
Culinary Associate Checklist
Custodian - Supervisor Checklist
Death To Do List - Checklist
Delegation Checklist
Director and Officer Checklist
Discipline Interview Checklist
Due Diligence Checklist
Due Diligence Field Review and Checklist
E-Commerce Joint Venture Checklist
E-Commerce Joint Venture Checklist
Eliminating Glass Ceiling Barriers Checklist
Emergency Action Plan Checklist
Emergency Action Plan Checklist - EAP
Employee Benefit Plan Document Checklist
Employee Payroll Records Checklist
Employee Plan ESOP Due Diligence Supplemental Checklist
Employee Suspension Checklist
Employment Exit Checklist
Equal Pay - Administration and Enforcement Checklist
Equal Pay Checklist
Equipment Lease Checklist
Exit - Termination Checklist
Exit Interview Checklist
Exit Interview Checklist - Involuntary Termination
Exit Interview Checklist - Voluntary Termination
Family Leave Policy Checklist
Five Percent Shareholder Checklist
Foreign Employee Status Worksheet and Document Checklist
General Manager Checklist
Hazard Communication Training Checklist for Company Policies
Hazard Communication Training Checklist for Individual Employees
Home based Worker Checklist
Housekeeper Checklist
Identity Theft Checklist
Identity Theft Checklist for Minors
Industry Analysis Checklist
Initial Training and Orientation Checklist
Instructions to Clients with Checklist - Long
Instructions to Software License Due Diligence Checklist
Interview Evaluation Form - Checklist with Hiring Recommendation
Investigating Sexual Harassment Checklist - Workplace
Landlord Checklist of Silent Lease Issues
Landlord Tenant Investment Trust REIT Due Diligence Supplemental Checklist
Layoff Preparation Checklist
Lease of Unfurnished House with Inventory Checklist
Leasing Consultant Checklist
Leasing Director Checklist
Legal Opinion Checklist
Letter to Tenant-Move Out detailed checklist
Letter to Tenants Moving Out with Detailed Checklist
Licensee - Oriented Software License Transaction Checklist
Licensee Oriented Software Maintenance Transaction Checklist
Lien and Tax Search Checklist
Loan Application - Review or Checklist Form for Loan Secured by Real Property
Loan Application ??? Review or Checklist Form for Loan Secured by Real Property
Maintenance Assistance - Technician Checklist
Maintenance Engineer Checklist
Maintenance Supervisor Checklist
Manager's Checklist for Final Discipline
Manager's Pre-Dismissal Checklist
Manufacturer Analysis Checklist
Market Planning Checklist
Marketing Campaign Planning Checklist
New Case Investigation Checklist
New Employee Orientation Checklist
New Hire Orientation Checklist
No-Fault Attendance Plan - Action Checklist
Nonemployee Director Checklist
Oil and Gas Producing Properties Environmental Assessment Checklist
Operations Manual Checklist
Orientation Checklist for Supervisors
Other Harassment Action Checklist - Workplace
PA Action Plan - How to Create an Audit Checklist
Personnel Payroll Associate Checklist
Planning An Effective Annual Meeting Checklist
Pre Employment Checklist
Pre-Employment Interview Checklist
Prioritized Financial and Accounting Due Diligence Checklist
Prioritized Industrial Operational Due Diligence Checklist
Program Specialist Checklist
Property Manager Checklist
Purchasing Supervisor Checklist
Questionnaire and Checklist
Recruiting from Minority Groups Checklist
Recruiting Older Workers Checklist
Reference Checking Checklist
Reporting Injuries and Illnesses Checklist
Sales Representative Evaluation Checklist
Sample Checklist for Contract Term Sheet
Sample Letter for Checklist for Documents to be Enclosed
Sample Letter for Pre-Employment Checklist for Employer
Sample Letter regarding Articles of Incorporation - Checklist
Sample Letter to Chancery Clerk with Checklist for Enclosed Pleadings and Filing Instructions
Short Form Checklist and Guidelines for Basic Corporate Entity Overview
Small Business Administration Loan Application Form and Checklist
Software License Due Diligence Checklist
Staff Performance Appraisal Interview Checklist
Stolen Property Investigation Statement Checklist
Strategic Planning Meeting Checklist
Summary Due Diligence Checklist for Review Purposes General Business Transaction
Summary Plan Description Checklist
Tenant Checklist of Silent Lease Issues
Tenant Quick Checklist of Lease Points
Tenant References Checklist to Check Tenant References
Termination Meeting Checklist
Theft Investigation Checklist
Title and Related Matters Checklist
Training and Development Checklist
Venture Capital Term Sheet Guidelines Checklist
Verbal Discipline Warning Documentation Checklist
Web Site Update Checklist