Partner with the market-leading provider of legal forms - Lawyer Affiliate Program

Become a US Legal Forms partner or affiliate and start earning a commission by selling forms and documents from the best-in-class provider to the public and businesses.

About US Legal Forms Legal Forms Ware

US Legal Forms offers over 85,000 ready-made fillable forms and documents for personal and business use. In the US Legal Forms library, organizations of any size can find documents related to starting, managing, or selling a business. Individuals use US Legal Forms to access last wills, bankruptcy, home sale or rental forms, marriage, and divorce documents, and more.

Affiliate and partnership opportunities available Legal Forms Programs

  • Linking. Get paid by adding a link to US Legal Forms on your website. Apply for a linking partnership through Impact or ShareASale.
  • Add the link from your website to US Legal Forms and earn a commission every time someone makes a purchase using your link. Every user is tracked and any purchases made are attributed to your account. Applications are reviewed within 24 hours.
  • You may link to any page of US Legal Forms to match your user audience – Real Estate, Estate Planning, Family Law, Business Forms, and many other categories.

  • Unlock the potential of your websites or emails and drive your revenue growth with our new US Legal Forms integration by Impact or ShareASale.
  • Get access to various banner and text links, start sharing them, and get paid for each new user you bring in. With US Legal Forms integration by Impact, you choose the ad types that best suit your site and place them as needed. Just log in to Impact or or ShareASale, get our ads’ code, and paste it into your sites or marketing campaigns. The integration will take care of itself increasing your income.

  • Offering selected forms. Sell specific forms to your customers.
  • Sell legal forms on your website separately or incorporate the forms you need in one or more of your membership levels. With this method, you may pay a negotiated fee to US Legal Forms and provide the forms to your Members for free, or handle all e-commerce on your side and pay us a flat fee per form sold. This is the best option for websites that only need to offer a few types of forms to their customers, such as Real Estate.

  • Company access. Provide your team members with access to US Legal Forms.
  • Gain access to the legal forms you need for all your employees while paying a monthly, quarterly, or annual fee. Get access to a broader selection of forms or specific forms like Wills, Power of Attorney, or Living Wills for all your staff or members. Fees are negotiated based on your needs. This is an excellent low-cost Employee Benefit and everyone needs a Will.

  • Branded form site. Get a subdomain of your website.
  • Get a branded URL for your organization when working in a specific market segment such as attorneys, government, associations, and others. This option allows you to sell subscriptions while controlling access with a token system. Each option is negotiated based on your requirements (the forms you'll need, the people who will gain access, and so on).
Long-Standing US Legal Forms Affiliates
These companies have already joined our affiliate program.
  • Memphis bar association
  • For sale by owner
  • Mr. dad
  • Legal club

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