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US Legal Documents by Category: 'How to' Guide
What should you do before drafting legal documents? Make sure you have the right document. Before getting into the details of any record, you need to find the correct editable template that meets the regulatory requirements of your state.
So how do you do this? You can hire a local lawyer for advice or spend hours trying to make sense of the requirements on your own. Or, you could go with a much simpler option: US Legal Forms. Our website offers one of the most extensive libraries of documents on the web to help you find the printable template you need. Here you have access to more than 85,000 legal templates drafted by professionals. And you don't have to worry about the records being outdated: our team regularly reviews and updates them to make sure you are downloading the most relevant versions.
Follow the steps below to learn how to get legal documents online:
- Select a category. Explore the list of categories and subcategories to find the printable template of your choice.
- Choose your state. Select a specific state for a sample compliant with your local regulations.
- Select a form. Review the list of available templates and click the title to select.
- Check the document. Read its description and use the Preview feature, if available.
- Download the template. If you have an account with an active subscription, this option is available near the form's title.
- Buy a subscription. If you are using our website for the first time, create an account and choose a subscription plan.
- Search for more. Use our advanced search feature to download more templates.
- Reuse previously saved forms. Go to your account and re-download purchased samples anytime you need them.
Use US Legal Forms to easily access and download a wide variety of legal forms - from divorce papers to business formation documents. Our solution empowers you to save time so you can focus on more strategic tasks. Simply download documents in Word or PDF to transfer forms to a professional PDF editor or electronic signature solution right from our website. Register for a US Legal Forms account and see all the ways it can expedite your paperwork today!
Handbooks and Guides are available on the subjects below. These handbooks and guides are valuable tools to educate you about a particular matter.
- Real Estate Handbook - For Sellers or Buyers
- Driving Hardship Licenses
- Expungement Law Handbook
- Landlord Tenant Handbook - Form Landlords and Tenants
- Elder and Retirement Law Handbook
- Employment Law Handbook
- Patent and Trademark Law Handbook
- Pet Law Handbook
- Paternity Law and Procedures Handbook