Separation Forms - Separation

Select your State and choose the separation agreement that best fits your situation. For Example, Married with Minor Children.

How to Use Legal Separation Forms Separation Agreement

Legal separation is a difficult, emotional topic. It's especially important to take practical legal steps and use the proper legal separation agreement forms to protect yourself and your children when you're dealing with an emotionally charged situation.

What is a Separation Agreement? Separation Papers

A separation agreement spells out the terms agreed on by the separated couple for handling important matters, such as property division, child custody and child support, while living apart. When filed in family law court, a separation agreement can be enforced with the court's contempt power if not obeyed. Getting a legal separation doesn't change the fact that the couple remains married under the eyes of the law. However, if the couple later decides to divorce, a divorce court will often incorporate the terms of the separation agreement into the final divorce decree.

How Do You Get a Legal Separation? Separation Agreement Template

The divorce law in your state, which varies by state, defines what is required for getting a legal separation. Therefore, legal forms for California may vary from a separation agreement in Virginia, etc. If you've been wondering "how can I get a legal separation", US Legal Forms offers state-specific legal separation forms that can be easily completed from your own computer. You don't need to be an expert in the divorce law of your state to use our forms, simply fill in the blanks according to the terms you've agreed on. Many states allow the papers to be filed by the separated couple in family law court. You will first need to sit down with your spouse and discuss how you will address important issues while separated, such as:

  • Property division, including who will use shared vehicles and reside in the marital residence.
  • Support and custody of a child or children. State child support guidelines may be used as a reference.
  • A legal separation agreement can include terms for spousal support.
  • Payment of bills, including insurance and uncovered medical expenses.
  • Payment of income taxes and assignment of deductions.

We have legal separation forms that are specifically designed for the law of divorce in your state. While separation is a difficult subject to deal with, we can make the process smoother and less expensive to deal with. US Legal Forms is where to get separation papers used by attorneys, without the costly legal fees.



STATE OF ________________
COUNTY OF _________________

WHEREAS, ____________________________________ (full legal name), hereinafter referred to as "Wife", and _________________________________ (full legal name), hereinafter referred to as "Husband", are now married, having been married on the _____ day of ____________, _______, in ______________ County, _________________; and

WHEREAS, the parties were separated on or about the _______ day of _______________, 20___, while residing in _______________ County, _________________, and since that date have been living separate and apart; and WHEREAS, differences have arisen between the parties that have resulted in (1) irretrievable breakdown of the marriage; (2) complete incompatibility of temperament such that the parties can no longer live together; or (3) voluntary separation for over 1 year. The parties make this Agreement to settle once and for all what the parties owe to each other and what the parties can expect to receive from each other; and

WHEREAS, the parties desire to make a mutually acceptable settlement of their rights, liabilities, obligations and property rights arising out of and during the course of their marital relationship. No reconciliation is contemplated; and

WHEREAS, the parties agree to execute and exchange any papers that might be needed to complete this Agreement, including deeds, title certificates, bills of sale, etc.; and

WHEREAS, the parties intend that this Agreement shall be binding on them from and after the date and time of execution, if permitted, and that this Agreement may be incorporated into a final judgment of divorce at some future time.

NOW THEREFORE, FOR AND IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual benefits and advantages accruing to each party, the undersigned do hereby solemnly covenant, agree and contract as set forth above and below and being sworn, certify that the all statements contained herein are true and correct:


The parties shall continue to live separate and apart, free from interference, authority and control by the other, as if each were sole and unmarried, and each may conduct, carry on and engage in any employment, business or trade which each shall seem advisable for their sole and separate use and benefit, without, and free from any control, restraint or interference by the other party in all respects as if each were unmarried. Neither of the parties shall molest or annoy the other or seek to compel the other to cohabit or dwell with the other by any proceedings for restoration of conjugal rights or otherwise, or exert or demand any right to reside in the home of the other, if any.


By execution of this instrument, each party warrants and represents to the other party that he or she has fully disclosed their financial status, including their assets and liabilities of all types and agree that the terms of this Agreement are fair, just, and equitable after consideration of the financial status of the parties.

Remainder fo form omitted.

Tips for Preparing Separation Forms

  1. Make sure that you’re entirely prepared to file for divorce. Breakup can be a tremendously complex experience from an mental, legal, and financial perspective for everyone involved. Parting ways with your partner might be a short-sight choice to start new chapter in your life. Before creating Separation Forms and starting the divorce process, take into consideration all the alternative options. Talk to a marriage counselor or consider therapy. Take as much time as you need to make the most rational decisions.
  2. Put together Separation Forms and other important paperwork to end your marriage. Whether you file for divorce yourself or with an attorney’s help, getting all your paper organized and arranged will pave the way for success. Ensure you don’t omit essential files. If you decide to a do it yourself divorce, you can use US Legal Forms as professional online documents supplier and discover all the required files to set off the procedure.
  3. Try to reach a preliminary arrangement with your husband or wife. It becomes even more crucial if kids are concerned. Try and find common agreement on child custody and visitation. Plan ahead how you break the news about divorce to your kids in a much less harmful way as possible. Discuss with your partner the things you’re willing to divide, refuse, and claim. In this way, you get an opportunity to file for an uncontested marriage dissolution and make the whole process less painful for all parties involved.
  4. Keep yourself well-informed about the nuances of filing for divorce in the state of your choice. Each state has its own jurisdiction concerning who, when, and how|and just how someone can proceed with divorce. You can select a state to file for divorce, but you need to consider a list of points concerning the dissolution of marriage law in the respective state before you continue with drafting the Separation Forms. These include but are not limited to statutory and residency requirements, community property regulations, etc.