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state-specific legal forms

US Legal Forms has been providing legal documents to individual consumers, attorneys, and small businesses for more than 25 years.
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state and industry-specific legal forms
3+ million
individuals and businesses trust us
25+ years
of experience providing legal forms
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Find a legal form for any use case

For individuals
Solve any legal issue without paying for attorney services. From marriage and divorce documents to last wills and rental forms — fill them out, edit, eSign, and reuse forms within a single solution.
For SMBs
Get legal fillable forms to start and grow your business. Whether you need a business agreement, a contract to buy and sell goods, or documents to hire employees — we've got you covered.
For attorneys and lawyers
Level up your legal practice while staying compliant with federal regulations. Edit and fill out litigation, court samples, civil actions, and more online. Reuse form templates multiple times. No software or installations needed.

Personal Planning package

Get the legal forms you need to create a complete personal estate plan
  • Will templates
  • Power of Attorney blanks
  • Personal Life Planning form
  • Estate Planning worksheet

Easy Order of special offers

With Easy Order, you get state-specific forms and form packages tailored to your Personal and Business requirements. Simply complete a brief questionnaire and get the legal documents you need.

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online in a few steps

Get 50% off your business's registration with a Premium subscription.
LLC formation
PLLC Formation
DBA Registration
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Register your business
Living will preview

Notarize documents

US Legal Forms allows you to get your documents securely notarized online in a matter of minutes. Documents notarized online carry the same legal standing as documents notarized in person. There is no need to waste time looking for a notary. All you need is an internet connection and a camera.

Upload a PDF, edit it using a powerful online PDF editor, and fill it out. A digital notary will do the rest. Once your document is notarized, you can download and share it with another party.

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Living will preview

Legal resources

US Legal Forms provides access to legal resources that help you get accurate information about a specific legal topic. The resources include definitions for legal terms, articles on a variety of legal topics supported by real-life examples, and answers to frequently asked questions.

Search for legal information directly from your US Legal Forms account, no subscription required. With our legal resources, you will get a deeper understanding of a specific legal issue and as a result, resolve your legal dispute faster.

Completion services

Get your legal documents completed by our form experts.
Last will preview
Power of Attorney preview
Living Will / Healthcare Directive preview

Try US Legal Forms completion services to get a legally-binding Last Will and statement online. Reduce confusion and protect your family by clearly outlining what should be done with your property and other affairs.

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Enjoy US Legal Forms Premium features

Unlock a legally-binding eSignature solution and powerful online PDF editor with a US Legal Forms premium subscription.
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Sign and send documents for eSignatures
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