Music Legal Forms - Music Recording Contract

Find forms for music related activities such as licensing, composition agreements, publishing, resumes, distribution, agency agreements, internet distribution and more. Music Contract

Tips for Preparing Music Legal Forms

  1. Don’t enter into any oral entertainment contracts. Too frequently, people involved in the entertainment business prefer verbal agreements. Even though this type of contract is legally binding, utilizing it as your legal tool might cause pending disputes because of clauses that could be overlooked during negotiations on terms.
  2. Make sure you control the drafting process. Even though you intend to go over the Music Legal Forms’s structure carefully before signing it, it’s preferable to make several revisions to be on the safe side. After that, make the necessary changes to the stipulations along the way. By doing this, you’ll minimize the legal issues that might occur in the future, be it a performance contract or arts agreement.
  3. Make sure that each party of the document gets their share. This can be done by inviting a third-party auditing expert who will create an audit report. For example, they can check whether an artist gets the proper number of royalties from the film’s broadcasting. However, to prevent auditing, make sure you add proper wording in the contract regarding all financial matters from the very beginning. You can get all the needed documents to sign the deal in the entertainment industry in the US Legal Forms online library, bundled with information on how to prepare Music Legal Forms as well as other files.
  4. Determine clear terms on how to end the agreement. Before preparing Music Legal Forms, all parties in the agreement need to spell out their requirements of how they prefer to terminate it. If you work, for instance, with a third-party agent, be sure they don’t have the right to extend the agreement on your behalf.