Living Trust Forms Bundle

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The State-Specific Living Trust Package comes with a Living Trust Agreement, Amendment to Trust, Assignment to Trust, Notice of Assignment to Trust, Property Record, and Pour-Over Will.
Please complete the questionnaire below to download the form

Living Trust Forms Bundle Description

Indicate your state of residence, marital status, and whether you have children. Upon completing the questionnaire, you’ll get a state-specific Package of Living Trusts that will help you plan the distribution of your assets in advance.

This package includes the following forms:

  • 1. Living Trust Agreement is a written legal document in which you spell out what assets you would like to leave in trust and name the beneficiaries; individuals or organizations that will inherit your assets in the event of your death or incapacitation.
  • 2. Amendment to Trust is an official document that you complete to change the term(s) of your Living Trust Agreement. You, as a grantor, can introduce the amendments at any time provided that you are mentally capable of making decisions.
  • 3. Assignment to Trust serves to list the items indicated in your trust that don’t have the needed document(s) proving your ownership (a title paper for example). Items can be cars, furniture, etc.
  • 4. Notice of Assignment to Trust is a letter that a trustee must send to a beneficiary upon your death or incapacitation.
  • 5. Property Record is an official document that provides the key information about your real estate property.
  • 6. Pour-Over Will is a document in which you state that any assets you own at death, and that you didn’t title in your Living Trust, are to be left in trust and distributed among beneficiaries after your death or incapacitation.


Do I need to create a living trust?

The need for creating a living trust depends on your circumstances. Generally, a living trust serves as an excellent legal tool. However, it can help anyone plan and secure the distribution of acquired assets by avoiding court involvement, creditors, and long probate processes. In addition, it’s an essential document for making an estate plan. At US Legal Forms, you can find all the needed documents to prepare, execute, and/or amend a Living Trust.

Can I transfer a house into a trust after creating a living trust?

As a house owner, you can transfer the house into a trust by creating a quitclaim deed or a real property deed. In this document, you, as the grantor, indicate the living trust (grantee). The paper must be signed and recorded in the local recorder’s office to become enforceable and valid.

Is there a living trust form that can prevent property foreclosure?

Putting the real property into a trust after the foreclosure process was started might, if proven, be considered fraudulent and voided by the court. That’s why there’s no living trust form that can help stop an active foreclosure process.

How can a trustee be forced to carry out their duties?

A trustee must act in the trust’s best interest and carry out the asset distribution based on the grantor’s instructions and wishes. If they fail to do so and abuse a trust, they breach their fiduciary duty. Case of fiduciary duty breach can proceed to the court. As a result, the court ruling can lead to financial penalties or other legal actions.

Do I need to make my trust agreement a matter of a public record?

Unlike a will, a trust agreement is a private type of document. It’s not subject to public disclosure with only a few exceptions such as lawsuits or some state law requirements. Other than that, you’re not obliged to keep your document on file.

What are the benefits of having a living trust?

Generally, a living trust is preferable to pass assets to the beneficiaries instead of the living will. The main reasons for that are that a living trust helps to avoid the probate process, reduce federal estate taxes, ensure the privacy of your assets, and save money.

How To Complete Living Trust Forms Bundle Questionnaire ?

1. In order to get a bundle of Living Trust forms that will be specific to your case and state, make sure to use the questionnaire.

2. Select your State. The living trust is accepted throughout the country. However, each state has its own legal specifications and standards.

3. Indicate your marital status. Selecting a marital status will affect the type of documents you’ll get in the bundle (separate or joint).

4. Respond whether you have children. Please note that all the points are obligatory, and you won’t get the needed package if you skip any of them.

5. Create an account with US Legal Forms and choose your plan. If you’re not new to our service, make sure your subscription is active to obtain your package. Otherwise, you won’t be able to receive your samples.

6. Download the bundle once finished. Save your reusable templates and utilize them any time you need.

7. To solve any issues when saving the documents, please contact our Support team.

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