Illinois Supreme Court Rule 222 arbitration Disclosures are a set of rules and regulations created to ensure that parties to an arbitration agreement in the state of Illinois are fully informed of all relevant information related to the arbitration. This includes details of the arbitration process, the selection of an arbitrator, and the availability of judicial review. There are three types of Illinois Supreme Court Rule 222 arbitration Disclosures: Pre-Arbitration Disclosure, Pre-Arbitration Disclosure for Non-Lawyers, and Arbitration Disclosures. The Pre-Arbitration Disclosure requires parties to an arbitration agreement to receive a written disclosure statement prior to signing the agreement, which includes a description of the arbitration process, the selection of an arbitrator, and the availability of judicial review. The Pre-Arbitration Disclosure for Non-Lawyers requires parties who are not represented by a lawyer to receive a written disclosure statement that includes a simplified version of the Pre-Arbitration Disclosure. Lastly, the Arbitration Disclosures require parties to an arbitration agreement to receive an additional written disclosure statement prior to the commencement of the arbitration hearing. This statement must include details of the costs, fees, and expenses associated with the arbitration.