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Maritime Laws FAQ

What is maritime law? 

Maritime law is the distinct body of law (both substantive and procedural) governing navigation and shipping. Topics associated with this field in legal reference works may include: shipping; navigation; waters; commerce; seamen; towage; wharves, piers, and docks; insurance; maritime liens; canals; and recreation. Piracy (ship hijacking) is also an aspect of maritime law.

What laws govern maritime law? 

The courts and Congress seek to create a uniform body of maritime law both nationally and internationally in order to facilitate commerce. The federal courts derive their exclusive jurisdiction over this field from the Judiciary Act of 1789 and from Article III, § 2 of the U.S. Constitution. Congress regulates admiralty partially through the Commerce Clause. American admiralty law formerly applied only to American tidal waters. It now extends to any waters navigable within the United States for interstate or foreign commerce. In such waters admiralty jurisdiction includes maritime matters not involving interstate commerce, including recreational boating. The Jones Act, passed by Congress in 1970, is legislation that specifically covers the legal rights of workers at sea. New rules and regulations are always being modified in admiralty law

Under admiralty, the ship's flag determines the source of law. For example, a ship flying the American flag in the Persian Gulf would be subject to American admiralty law; and a ship flying a French flag in American waters will be subject to French admiralty law. This also applies to criminal law governing the ship's crew. But the ship flying the flag must have substantive contacts with the nation of its flag in order for the law of the flag to apply. American courts may refuse jurisdiction where it would involve applying the law of another country, although in general international law does seek uniformity in maritime law.

What is a Divorce Agreement?

A divorce agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions agreed upon by a couple who are getting divorced. It covers important aspects such as division of property, child custody and support, alimony, and any other issues related to the dissolution of the marriage. In South Carolina, a divorce agreement follows the rules and guidelines set by the state's family laws. It is a binding agreement that both parties are required to abide by, and it aims to provide a fair and equitable resolution to the couple's marital issues.

Step 1 – Provide Parties and Marriage Information

Step 1 in getting married in South Carolina involves providing the necessary information about the parties involved and the marriage itself. This means you need to share details like your legal names, addresses, dates of birth, and social security numbers with the appropriate authorities. Additionally, you will need to provide information about previous marriages, such as the date and location of divorce or death if applicable. It is important to accurately and honestly provide this information for a smooth and legally valid marriage process in South Carolina.

Petitioner and Respondent Information

In legal terms, the petitioner is the person who initiates a lawsuit or legal action, while the respondent is the party being sued or against whom legal action is taken. This information is important in any legal proceeding as it helps identify the parties involved in the case. In South Carolina, like in other states, the petitioner and respondent information is typically required in legal documents to ensure proper communication and representation throughout the legal process. It helps to distinguish who is bringing a claim or seeking a resolution and who will be defending against it.

Marriage Date and Location

Getting married in South Carolina means you have a variety of beautiful locations to choose from for your special day. Whether you prefer a rustic barn wedding amidst scenic countryside or a romantic beach ceremony with the ocean as your backdrop, South Carolina has it all. From the enchanting historic district of Charleston to the picturesque gardens of Greenville, there is a venue to suit every couple's taste and style. With its charming southern hospitality and delightful cuisine, South Carolina offers a warm and inviting atmosphere for your marriage celebration. So, whether you decide to say your "I dos" in an elegant plantation or at a cozy inn nestled in the mountains, your wedding day in South Carolina is sure to be nothing short of magical.