Request for Credit Info on New Account refers to a request for credit information made when opening a new financial account. This includes credit report requests and credit score requests. When a person applies to open a new financial account such as a credit card, loan, or mortgage, the financial institution may request credit information from a credit reporting agency. This helps the financial institution make a decision about whether to approve the application. Types of Request for Credit Info on New Account include: 1. Credit Report Request: This is a request for the borrower's credit report, which contains detailed information about their credit history such as their payment history, credit limits, and amounts owed. 2. Credit Score Request: This is a request for the borrower's credit score, which is a numerical score based on their credit history. The credit score helps lenders assess the borrower's creditworthiness. 3. Fraud Alert Request: This is a request for a fraud alert to be added to the borrower's credit report, which notifies lenders that additional verification is needed before extending credit.