Maine 4.18.1462 Use of Interactive Computer Service for Obscene Matters, 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1462 is a section of the United States Code (18 U.S.C. Sec. 1462) that establishes a federal law prohibiting the use of any interactive computer service for the transmission of obscene material. The law applies to all interactive computer services, including digital services and other internet-based services, and covers any material that is “patently offensive by contemporary community standards.” This law also applies to any material that is “harmful to minors,” as defined by the law. Under the law, violators can face fines and up to two years in prison. There are two main types of Maine 4.18.1462 Use of Interactive Computer Service for Obscene Matters, 18 U.S.C. Sec. 1462: (1) criminal penalties, which are applicable to individuals who knowingly transmit obscene material through an interactive computer service, and (2) civil penalties, which are applicable to individuals who negligently transmit obscene material through an interactive computer service.