New Hampshire Acknowledgments - New Hampshire Notary Acknowledgement


Acknowledgment of Individual


COUNTY OF ______________

The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ______________________ (date) by ________________________________(name of person acknowledged).


Notary Public

Print Name: ___________________

My commission expires:



Acknowledgment of Corporation


COUNTY OF ______________

The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _________________________________ (date) by _____________________________ (name of officer or agent, title of officer or agent) of _____________________________ (name of corporation acknowledging) a _______________________________________ (state or place of incorporation) corporation, on behalf of the corporation.


Notary Public

Print Name: ___________________

My commission expires:







By an attorney in fact:

State of New Hampshire

County of _____________

On this the ___________ day of _________________, 20 __________ Before me, ____________________________________, the undersigned officer, personally appeared ____________________________, known to me (or satisfactorily proven) to be the person whose name is subscribed as attorney in fact for _______________________, and acknowledged that he executed the same as the act of his principal for the purposes therein contained.

In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and official seal.


Notary Public

Print Name: ___________________

My commission expires:


By any public officer or deputy thereof, or by any trustee, administrator, guardian, or executor:

State of New Hampshire

County of __________

On this the __________ day of ____________________, 20 ________, before me, __________________________________, the undersigned officer, personally appeared of the state (county, city, or town as the case may be) of __________________________, known to me (or satisfactorily proven) to be the person described in the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he executed the same in the capacity therein stated and for the purposes therein contained.

In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and official seal.


Notary Public

Print Name: ___________________

My commission expires:


§ 456-A:6 Short Forms of Acknowledgment. – The forms of acknowledgment set forth in this section may be used and are sufficient for their respective purposes under any law of this state. The forms shall be known as "statutory short forms of acknowledgment" and may be referred to by that name. The authorization of the forms in this section does not preclude the use of other forms.

III. For a partnership:

State of New Hampshire

County of _____________

The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _______________ (date) by ______________________________________________ (name of acknowledging partner or agent), partner (or agent) on behalf of _______________________________ (name of partnership), a partnership.


Notary Public

Title (and Rank): _______________

Print Name: ___________________

Serial Number, if any:


My commission expires:


IV. For an individual acting as principal by an attorney in fact:

State of New Hampshire

County of _____________

The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _________________ (date) by _____________________________________ (name of attorney in fact) as attorney in fact on behalf of ____________________________________________ (name of principal).


Notary Public

Title (and Rank): _______________

Print Name: ___________________

Serial Number, if any:


My commission expires:


V. By any public officer, trustee, or personal representative:

State of New Hampshire

County of _____________

The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this __________________ (date) by ____________________________________________ (name and title of position).



Notary Public

Title (and Rank): _______________

Print Name: ___________________

Serial Number, if any:


My commission expires:
