South Carolina Application-Affidavit Pro HAC Vice Admission is a process by which an individual attorney who is not admitted to practice law in South Carolina may gain permission to appear before a court in the state. The attorney must submit an Application-Affidavit Pro HAC Vice Admission form to the court in which they intend to practice. The form must be signed by the attorney, the supervising attorney who holds a South Carolina license in good standing, and the client or party on whose behalf the attorney is appearing. The form includes a declaration of the attorney’s qualifications to practice law in the state, as well as a statement that they will abide by South Carolina’s laws and rules of professional conduct. The two main types of South Carolina Application-Affidavit Pro HAC Vice Admissions are Regular Pro HAC Vice Admissions and Limited Pro HAC Vice Admissions. Regular Pro HAC Vice Admissions allow the attorney to practice law in the state on an ongoing basis, while Limited Pro HAC Vice Admissions are granted on a case-by-case basis.