Notice of Termination for Substantial Damage to Leased Premises - Nonresidential - 24 hours notice
The statute below sets forth the requirements for a Landlord
to terminate a non-residential lease by giving a 24-hour notice of termination
due to substantial damage to the premises caused by Tenant.
Sec. 09.45.090. Unlawful holding by force.
(b) For property to which the provisions of AS 34.03 (Uniform Residential
Landlord and Tenant Act) do not apply, unlawful holding by force includes
each of the following:
(2) when, following service of a written
notice to quit,
(B) after
the tenant or person in possession has deliberately inflicted substantial
damage to the premises, the tenant or person in possession of a premises
fails or refuses to deliver up the possession of the premises on the date
required by the landlord; the date specified may not be less than 24 hours
after demand for possession of the premises by the landlord;
(c) When a landlord who is required to provide written notice to
a tenant or person in possession under (a) or (b) of this section, provides
notice by mail, notwithstanding any other provision of law, three days
must be added to the period set out in (a) or (b) of this section to determine
the date on and after which the tenant or person in possession unlawfully
holds by force.